New Gendered Team Information (Elma Minor Soccer)

PrintNew Gendered Team Information

Gender specific team proposal for 2025 

Elma Eagles Minor Soccer (EMS), in conjunction with the North Perth Soccer League (NPSL), are experimenting with gender specific teams for the 2025 season and beyond. 

 What this means

When and where applicable, clubs within NPSL will create gender specific soccer teams, creating, a female and male league. 

 What this means when you register:

Nothing different than previous year.  Please proceed with registration for your appropriate age group. 

What age groups does this effect:

From U6 to U19


NPSL and EMS will create gender specific teams at each age level noted above. However, if numbers from a specific gender doesn't support a full league, two possible options may occur;


  1. The registers, male or female, who do not have enough to support a full team will;

a) combine with the closest center to support a single team or;

b) continue as a coed team (up to the effected town club) 

  1. If numbers don't support a full league as single gender, that particular age group will revert to Co-Ed for the 2025 season. for example, U16 could be Co-Ed and U14 could support a female and male league. 

 Please keep in mind that these are possibilities and not 'set in stone'. The attempt is to provide more engagement, more competitive and provide a path way to competitive soccer for players in our communities. We believe providing gender specific teams and leagues will encourage many players for various reasons to be active.