● Registration for soccer ends March 15. An additional $25.00 may be charged for late registrations.
● Cheques, which do not clear, will result in a fee of $45.00.
● A min $10 fee for anyone wishing to revoke their registration (per). This amount will be an adjusted refund amount.
This fee covers admin costs.
● All policies and procedures are subject to change upon a review by the Elma Eagles Minor Soccer Club (EMS) Executive.
● All players are to register within their own age group.
● Any player wishing to play outside of his or her age group is to submit an application, which will be reviewed by the Executive before being granted.
● No player can request which team he or she wants to play on.
● Payment must be made in full before the child is assigned a team.
● Registration ends March 15. An additional $25 will be charged for late registrations. Late registrations will be accepted on an individual basis.
● Each player is responsible for anything supplied to him or her by EMS.
● Return dates for equipment and uniforms will be posted at the end of the season on the website.
● Game uniform consists of black socks, black shorts, and a supplied team shirt.
● All players are responsible for bringing their own water bottles. No glass bottles.
● Shin guards are required at all ages U6 and up.
● Peaked hats, and jewelry (except medical alert) are not permitted on the field of play. (This includes earrings)
Kiddie Kickers, U6 and U8
● Soccer shoes and shin pads are mandatory.
● Every week it is the player's responsibility to bring their own size 3 soccer ball. EMS tries to arrange for first-time players a Tim Horton’s sponsored soccer ball, but this could vary from year to year.
U10 to U18
● Shinguards and soccer shoes are required for all players.
● Mouthguards are not mandatory but are recommended. Mouth guards should be moulded and fitted to your teeth. All others are considered to be a choking hazard.
● Every week, it is the responsibility of the player to bring their own soccer balls.
Size 4 for U10 & U12
Size 5 for U14 to U19
● Parents and or players are not able to request which team they wish to play on.
● Players are to be divided up into teams by the executive. Coaches may be asked to assist in dividing up the players when a coach has been assigned a team.
● Teams will be divided as equally as possible in relation to age and gender.
● All Final Team rosters will be posted on the website.
● The number of teams for each age group will depend on the number of players as well as the number of coaches. (no coach, no team)
By signing this document you will waive certain legal rights, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY.
IN CONSIDERATION of allowing my minor child/ward to participate in the programs, activities and events of Minor Soccer, I
1. I am the parent/guardian of the above-named participant having full legal responsibility for decisions regarding the above-named participant.
2. I believe that my minor/ward is physically, emotionally and mentally able to participate in the programs, activities and events of EMS.
3. I hereby acknowledge that I am aware of the risks and hazards associated with or related to soccer. The risks and
hazards include, but are not limited to injuries from:
○ Executing strenuous and demanding physical techniques in soccer;
○ Dryland training including weights, running and massage;
○ Grass, turf and other surfaces including bacterial infections and rashes;
○ Falls to the ground due to uneven or irregular terrain or surfaces;
○ Collisions with walls and soccer equipment;
○ Failure to properly use any piece of equipment or from the mechanical failure of any piece of equipment;
○ Extreme weather conditions which may result in heatstroke, sunstroke or hypothermia;
○ Contact, colliding or being struck by other participants, spectators, equipment or vehicles;
○ Vigorous physical exertion and strenuous cardiovascular workouts;
○ Exerting and stretching various muscle groups; and
○ Travel to and from competitive events and associated non-competitive events, which are an integral part of the
organization’s activities.
4. Furthermore, I am aware that my child/ward may:
○ Sustain injuries in soccer that can be severe, cause spinal cord injuries and even be fatal;
○ Experience anxiety while challenging himself/herself during the activities, events and programs;
○ Come into close contact with other participants, including the possibility of accidental and unexpected contact;
○ Risk of injury is reduced if he/she follows all rules established for participation; and
○ Risk of injury increases as he/she becomes fatigued. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE, on behalf of myself, my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin that my signing of this document constitutes:
5. I am registering my child/ward willingly and my child/ward is participating voluntarily in these activities, events and programs.
6. I agree that there are risks in soccer as described above and my child/ward will be exposed to these risks and hazards.
7. I agree to accept all these risks and hazards and be responsible for any injury or other loss, which my minor child/ward might receive while participating in these events, activities and programs.
8. If something happens to my child/ward, I release the Organizers of responsibility for any claims, demands, actions and costs, which might arise out of my child/ward’s participation. I understand “Organizers” to mean: District Associations, Leagues, Clubs and their directors, officers, members, employees, volunteers, officials, participants, clubs, agents, sponsors, owners/operators of facilities, and representatives.
Publication Waiver
By signing below, I the Parent or Legal Guardian, of a player or players on a Elma Minor Soccer Team, give consent to the following: Allowing the use of personal information and or Photographs of my son/daughter to be used within EMS publications. Personal information that may be posted would include; pictures, stats, awards, prizes, or accomplishments achieved by my son/daughter, events or activities in which my son or daughter may be involved, year of birth of my son or daughter. Publications may include; The EMS website and social media, The Listowel Banner or Independent Plus, Newsletters, and Milverton Shopportunities. This information can be viewed by anyone who accesses the website, or publications, and if consent were withheld, this posting and publication would not occur. I give this consent voluntarily and understand that I may withdraw this consent at any time, in writing.
If you have a concern about the Publication Waiver, or if you wish to put limitations on it, please email [email protected] and we will be happy to accommodate your request if it is in our ability to do so. We would not want this to be the reason why your child is not able to play.