Mar 06, 2021 | Sarah Matheson | 1585 views
Elma Soccer...thoughts on 2021?
If you or your kids want there to be local soccer this year, we NEED you to complete this super short survey!
Step 1 is to determine if there is enough interest to even have a soccer program, so please copy and paste the link below and take a couple of minutes to complete this survey. Please complete the survey ASAP!
We need to find out how many people are interested in playing soccer this year so that we can create a Return to Play plan for the season that will work for our expected number of participants. We will be following all Huron Perth Public Health guidelines, as well as Ontario Soccer rules to ensure that the program is as safe as possible for everyone involved.
Please spread the word to anyone who might not have facebook or check the website often. We would love to have a season this year! However, we can only put together a plan/season if we know there are going to be players interested.
Any questions please reach out to any of the executives or message on our facebook page.
Thank you